What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly ∞

Stunning double rainbow in Chiang Mai, Thailand on Friday ❤

Have you ever wanted something so bad, you just HAD to have it?

For example, when you were a kid and you begged your parents for that shiny new race-car or cute little baby doll. When you saw it, you just knew, that was it and nothing else could take its place. Every chance you got, you asked for it, over and over, until one day you finally opened it on Christmas or your birthday. Then… the moment you opened it, all the warm feelings of excitement, gratefulness, and satisfaction washed over you and you may have thought, nothing could be better than this! And I’m so glad I was soooo persistent. And maybe you were too young to know what persistence even meant…

But What are you asking for? What do you want so bad you have to have?

Or is it something you think you can’t have or don’t think you’ll ever be able to obtain. Well, if that’s how you’re gonna think then you definitely won’t! That’s life baby. Some things you won’t be able to get if you keep thinking you’ll never be able to have them and vice versa. I use to think I’d never be able to start a business and really be successful, but here I am launching my own website!

Not knowing if I’m going to succeed or fail….

Well let me tell you, that little voice inside of your head that is telling you, you can’t do this, you can’t do that,  is bullshitting you, and, well you gotta ignore the living shit out of it before you believe it. I use to tell myself over and over again that one day I’ll be able to pursue my dreams, but it wasn’t until I took action that things started to happen. Your dreams are literally right there you just have to step out of your comfort zone, reach and grab them….

Lately, I’ve been trying to clear my mind, like really clear it….completely clear it. Get rid of all that garbage that has built up for SO long, as long as the Wall of China, long. It has taken me a long time, but I’m letting go of all the negative things in my life slowly, one by one and each day I feel a little bit better. I’m not saying it is easy and a lot of the time I’m struggling. But, don’t let that jackass voice upstairs have control! The one that says,  you can’t do it, you’re going to fail,  no one will like you if you do this,  you’re too fat or skinny, you know, THAT voice. That stupid voice that tells me I’m an absolutely terrible person one day, and the next, I’m superior to the human race, or something like that. You get the point.

So how do you get rid of it?

That’s a good question, I’m still trying to figure out. But, here’s what I got. Every time you hear that POS voice telling you something like, “hey girl, you really shouldn’t wear that, your fat is showing”,  “You can’t talk to that guy, he’s way out of your league” or “you’ll never be able to get that job, or you can’t do that”.  TELL IT NO. Tell it no every damn chance you get, make note cards, write it in your calender, on your laptop, your hand, your face, your friggin’ toilet paper. I don’t care.  And don’t let anything stop you! Wear that outfit and feel sexy in your own skin, talk to that guy and get his number, sell yourself to that employer and get the damn job, pursue your dreams!

Go after what you want and if you don’t know what you want, then take the time to figure it out and then make a plan.

Be the person God made you to be ❤

Because nothing is more than worth it when you achieve your wildest dreams, when you open that present on your birthday and it is exactly what you wanted. Of course, all that nagging wasn’t easy ;), but life is not easy. I can’t tell you how many times I have fallen down, but I can tell you all the times that I have gotten up, so get up and know that things won’t always be easy, but don’t let that stop you.

Feeling super motivational today apparently!

But for real, be a boss at life! You don’t have to change the world or start a business, but you can reach for whatever you put your mind to if that is going to art school, or becoming an electrician, comedian, social media star, or even something simple as being nice to your neighbor. Don’t let that rejection letter stop you from trying, or let someone tell you how you should go about things.

When Thomas Edison was asked “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?” Edison replied, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times.” That’s the kind of attitude that changes everything. He saw every “failed attempt” as a learning experience, a chance to improve.

I need to write and hear this just as much as anyone else who needs to remember to be more positive. I can’t even tell you all the bad days I have and how I just want to quit, but I wouldn’t be where I want to be if I quit and all my work would have been for nothing.

“ Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill

“I never dreamed about success, I worked for it” -Estée Lauder

“My life didn’t please me, so I created my life” -Coco Chanel

war of art
Here´s a great book if your looking to get past a mental block. It´s short and sweet!     Link Here: The War of Art





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